Dryer Troubleshooting
When the dryer is not working, it can be quite a problem to work out what is wrong with it. Fixing it may not be such an issue, but first things first, the diagnosis must be completed. There are a few parts that can fail, including the heating element, the motor, and other smaller parts. There are two main reasons why problems arise: wear and tear and blockages to the lint traps or vents. [Read More]
5 Tips When Switching To Propane As Your Fuel Source
A typical household in the US has many energy needs including lighting, powering of typical household appliances and heating. Although the higher energy costs can be sustained for lighting and powering of certain appliances, heating and cooling make the higher cost energy much harder to stomach. This is why many people are now switching to propane or LPG as a key energy source in their houses. However, this switch is not as simple as flicking a switch. [Read More]
What To Do After A Washer Leak
Washer leaks are both messy and inconvenient. If you use your washer regularly, you probably won't be able to use it while it's leaking. This means you'll have to try and get this issue sorted as soon as possible. The main challenge with washer leaks is that there are many possible causes. Unless you already know about an existing issue with the washer, you may have to take a little bit of time to identify the issue and fix it. [Read More]