
  • Dryer Troubleshooting

    When the dryer is not working, it can be quite a problem to work out what is wrong with it. Fixing it may not be such an issue, but first things first, the diagnosis must be completed. There are a few parts that can fail, including the heating element, the motor, and other smaller parts. There are two main reasons why problems arise: wear and tear and blockages to the lint traps or vents. [Read More]

  • 5 Tips When Switching To Propane As Your Fuel Source

    A typical household in the US has many energy needs including lighting, powering of typical household appliances and heating. Although the higher energy costs can be sustained for lighting and powering of certain appliances, heating and cooling make the higher cost energy much harder to stomach. This is why many people are now switching to propane or LPG as a key energy source in their houses. However, this switch is not as simple as flicking a switch. [Read More]

  • What To Do After A Washer Leak

    Washer leaks are both messy and inconvenient. If you use your washer regularly, you probably won't be able to use it while it's leaking. This means you'll have to try and get this issue sorted as soon as possible. The main challenge with washer leaks is that there are many possible causes. Unless you already know about an existing issue with the washer, you may have to take a little bit of time to identify the issue and fix it. [Read More]

  • Appliance Repairs And Home Warranties

    As a homeowner, it is up to you to make sure everything that breaks around your house is repaired or replaced. Those household repairs can really add up, especially if all your appliances were purchased around the same time and they are getting old. One thing that can really help you out with many of these repairs is to carry a home warranty. Here are some of the things that you need to understand about your appliances and home warranties. [Read More]

  • Signs Your Microwave Needs Repairing

    If you have noticed that your microwave is no longer cooking your food evenly, or it takes longer for it to get done, you may start to suspect that there is something wrong with the appliance. If so, look for the following signs that your microwave may need to be repaired. Door Does Not Stay Shut One problem that may be making your microwave cook incorrectly is that the door is not staying shut during operation. [Read More]

  • How Hard Water Can Cause Problems During The Holiday Season

    If you are like a lot of people, you might be looking forward to spending time with loved ones during the holiday season. If you are going to be having a lot of guests over at your home over the holidays, though, you may want to consider installing a water softening system so that you can deal with your home's hard water. These are a few ways that hard water can cause problems if you don't. [Read More]

  • The Best Kitchen Sink Materials For Every Budget

    How often do you reach for the kitchen sink during one day? Well, it is very likely that the answer is more often than you actually realize. The sink is considered to be a workhorse of a kitchen, but that doesn't mean that it has to be a purely functional piece of equipment. The kitchen is one of the most vital rooms in your home, and you probably don't even know how much of an impact a sink that is made of all the right materials can make on it. [Read More]

  • Need New Washing Machine Parts? Two Reasons Why Used Items Are The Way To Go

    When your washing machine starts to malfunction it can be a very disconcerting experience.  You may find yourself having to visit the laundromat on nearly a daily basis in order to take care of the washing needs for your house.  If you call in an appliance contractor who diagnoses your machine, you may be totally dismayed to find that you need new parts.  The money is the main issue, especially if the situation happened on an emergency basis. [Read More]

  • 2 Sounds You Might Hear Coming From Your Air Conditioner And How To Quiet Them

    When the temperature is very high, the air conditioner inside your house can be a lifesaver. However, if you start to hear strange noises, you might wonder if something is wrong. Here are common sounds and what you might be able to do about them. Knocking Hearing something knocking about inside the air conditioner may cause you to think that some small debris has gotten inside or that some insignificant piece has come loose, particularly if the unit continues to cool the area. [Read More]

  • Replace A Malfunctioning Gasket Seal On A Freezer Compartment's Door

    The gasket seal on your refrigerator's freezer door is a vital part that will ensure that food remains frozen while it is stored. If the seal on the freezer door is coming loose and the door will no longer stay shut, replace it with a new seal by completing the following steps.  Materials screwdriver dish detergent  water spray bottle cleaning cloth vinegar replacement gasket seal talcum powder thin paintbrush Remove The Damaged Seal And Clean Around The Door [Read More]